
15 May 04

There were several minor fixes and updates to X v3.15.2. Thanks very much to everyone that contributed suggestions and bug-fixes.

14 May 04

I've been studying Javascript Closures. It seems that I've been implementing some of my objects inefficiently - I may have even been creating circular references (not sure about that yet). None of this affects the X core - its as solid as ever :-). I'll be (slowly) re-visiting all of the X demos and applying the new things I've learned. Resources: Private Members by Douglas Crockford, Javascript Closures and Private Static Members by Richard Cornford.

X Library Documentation & Demos

X Documentation

X Examples

  • Menus
    • xMenu4 with Horizontal and Vertical main labels. Cascading menus from nested ULs.
    • xMenu 3 - unlimited cascading sub-menus; horz/vert; floating, absolute or relative; multiple menus.
    • xMenu 2 - horizontal or vertical; floating, absolute or relative; multiple menus on the same page; different widths for each label and box.
    • Floater - menu floats vertically onscroll.
  • Collapsible 3-Column Layout - Using an unmodified layout from (I just added a little js).
  • Equal Column Heights - my version of a demo featured in a SitePoint article.
  • Downgradeable Layout - simple example of a dynamic, downgradable DHTML layout.
  • xBar - horizontal or vertical, scaled bar-graph object.
  • Key Events - move an element with the arrow keys and watch keyCode values from all Key events.
  • Drag Demo - drag events implmented with X: dragStart, drag, and dragEnd.
  • Slideouts - yep, they slide out when you mouseover their related element.
  • Popup Demo - the implementation of xPopup demonstrates the use of the xTimer object.
  • Image Viewport - an animated clipping demo.
  • Tooltips
    • Tooltips 1 - tooltips that slide in from the left. The tooltip text is taken from the trigger element's TITLE attribute.
    • xTooltipGroup - tooltips are positioned to the right or top of the trigger element, or follow the mouse. The tooltip text is taken from the trigger element's TITLE attribute - or you can optionally provide your own text (as html).
  • xWalkTree - node traversal demo.

CBE News & Documentation

CBE News

CBE was great fun, but now I concentrate mainly on X. Soon, X will do almost everything CBE would do - with much smaller file sizes. I probably won't make any more updates to CBE. If you're having problems with a CBE application come to the forums and we'll help.

CBE Documentation


By your use of X and/or CBE and/or any Javascript from this site you consent to the LGPL License - please read it.

Browser Support

The X library is designed for Opera 5+, Mozilla, Firefox, Safari, Netscape 7.x, Internet Explorer 4+, Konqueror, Netscape 4.x and browsers with similar object models. Object-detection (instead of browser-detection) is used as much as possible. Currently, I'm testing with the following browsers.

Opera 7.50
Mozilla 1.5
Internet Explorer 4, 5 & 6
Netscape Navigator 4.8

Developer Support

We offer free DHTML developer support at the following forums. I hope you visit us.

North Alabama Web Developers

SitePoint Javascript Forum

HFTOnline Webmastering Forum